Seller or Supplier?

Difference between the Seller and the Supplier of the equipment from the CPC. 10 minutes about engineering in metalworking

When buying a machine, the factory modernizes production or prepares for the release of new products. In any case, this means a change in production! In other words, the factory does not need a machine. The factory needs a process that the machine can provide by itself. The factory needs such a process, in which the Product will be required at the output, in the given quality and with the best cost price.
The difference is in the final product: the conventional vendor has a machine, the implementing supplier has an established production process involving the new machine. The customer is not interested in the price of the machine, but the cost of the product.

Implementation of such a process is called engineering.

The supplier’s goal is to ensure operational efficiency and save the customer money by minimizing equipment downtime, helping to solve technological challenges.

The supplier is a rational, and most importantly, reliable use of funds! Choose an engineering company (Supplier) that will support the process from purchase to implementation, not a seller who sells machines like pies wrapped in newspaper…!